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(480) 541-3201

Our School Song

We Are the Mustangs!

Words and Music by Emily Flathers
Key of E Flat Publishing
Our school song was commissioned in celebration
of Lagos Elementary School's 20th Anniversary.

We are the Mustangs standing tall and proud.
The Mighty Mighty Mustangs and we're saying it loud.
We care, we're fair, you can trust that we're true.
We're responsible citizens and respectful, too!
We are the Mustangs. . . the Lagos Mustangs!
Learning together, we grow as a team.
Students, staff and teachers pursuing our dream.
Supporting one another, day after day.
And that's why we'll always say:   CHORUS
L-A-G-O-S!  Lagos Mustangs are the best!
L-A-G-O-S!  We give our best and nothing less!
L-A-G-O-S! Lagos Mustangs are the best!
GO. . . Mustangs!!!   CHORUS
Have a marvelous day Mustangs, and keep on learning!